Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rule of Life


     I recognize the importance of discipline and order in building and sustaining my spiritual health and preparing for God’s work.  It is important that I take the time and make it a priority to develop a routine of spiritual practices.  In this effort I offer the following rule of life to provide structure and focus to my spiritual formation.

I will exercise the discipline of silence and refrain from judgment and needing control of a situation.

I will seek a spiritual director and have a session once a month.

I will step outside my comfort zone and commit to charitable works in my local area once a month.  

I will maintain a journal and make an entry each day.

I will fast from judging others for a 10 hours a day once a week.  

I will attend a bible study or religious group on a regular basis to learn and share.

I will make regular monthly donations to organizations serving the poor or seeking justice for the oppressed.

I will seek to be kind especially to those who challenge me in this area.

I will start and end my day with 10 minutes of private prayer.

I will attend weekly corporate worship and continue to search for a church home community so that I may commit to a worshiping community. 

I will make a conscious effort to pray before driving and letting go of anger and impatience on the road.

I will remind myself regularly to praise and thank God.

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